This Series of 6 classes based on the Feldenkrais Method is an opportunity to explore ways to recover balance. This course is a development of themes from the first series but can be attended without prior experience. Themes include freeing the head, flexibility in the chest, mobilising the pelvis & hip joints, articulation in the feet and how we use our eyes.
There is also an opportunity for participants to explore the connection between improving efficiency in movement and rebalancing on other levels of our experience.
This will be a blended series with the option of joining online or in person (audio recordings will be made available to all participants)
Studio places are limited
Dates: Every Tuesday Evening from October 31st to December 5th
Time: 6.30 - 7.45 pm
Venue: The Artworks London Bridge, 60A Weston St, SE1 3QP
Online: Via Zoom
Cost: £150.0 to attend the series
How to book: Email for further info and to book a session